Hi I’m Erica. I’m a quantum kinesiologist and soul worker. My offerings come from an authentic heart space to connect you back into alignment with your soul, oneness and the divine. I work with clients all around the world, both in person and online.
Kinesiology is my tool that I used to detangle the knots of your soul, decode consciousness and move you through pain, trauma, old programmings, negative energies, entities, past life connections, sabotages and whatever else that is not of service for your highest good.
We can journey together to accelerate your spiritual development, connect you to a higher level of self worth and have you vibrating at a much higher frequency which means you are capable of attracting more of the juicy stuff (like wealth, abundance, opportunities and love).
During our journeys together I connect to the purity of your soul and at times feel your pain and emotions alive within my own being. This is an intimate experience for both of us which allows me to create a deep and sacred space for you to take off your armour and heal at your core.
I work beyond the realms of logic so I invite you to meet me half way and bring an open mind. The magic of this medicine begins outside of our human minds and linear understandings.
All of you is welcome in my space.