Lomi Lomi (sometimes spelled ‘lomilomi’) is a traditional Hawaiian massage that uses long, fluid strokes to release tension and promote relaxation. This article will explain a little about what is a Lomi Lomi (lomilomi) massage and will share some of the benefits of this style of massage. The word “Lomi” means “to rub, knead, or squeeze,” and that is exactly what the therapist does during a this massage. In recent years, this centuries-old practice has gained popularity across Australia and the United States. While there are many different types of massage, Lomi Lomi is unique in its use of long strokes and its focus on the flow of energy. Proponents of this style of treatment believe that some of the benefits of Lomi Lomi massage can help to reduce stress, improve circulation, boost immunity, and even promote weight loss.
Benefits of Lomi Lomi Massage
Lomi Lomi is unique in its ability to promote both physical and emotional wellness. Physically, the massage may help to increase blood circulation, remove toxins from the body, and relieve muscle pain. Other benefits of Lomilomi massage may be to help to stimulate muscle cell growth, increase flexibility and motion, and stimulate the lymphatic drainage system. In addition to these physical benefits, what is a Lomi Lomi massage helpful for? This technique is also known for its ability to promote emotional wellbeing and relaxation. For many people, this massage is a powerful tool for managing stress and anxiety. The soothing movements and calming atmosphere can help to create a sense of peace and relaxation, providing an opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
How is a Lomi Lomi Massage Conducted
A Lomi Lomi massage is conducted by using long, flowing strokes by a trained professional. A lomilomi massage is traditionally performed by using the forearms, but can also be done using the hands and elbows. The strokes are usually directed towards the heart, and are aimed at being both relaxing and invigorating. During a session, it is common for the therapist to use coconut oil, almond oil or an oil-based lotion to help reduce friction. This helps to create a more gliding motion, and also allows the therapist to work more deeply into the muscles. Lomi Lomi massages are typically longer than other types of massages, lasting 90 minutes to 2 hours. Lomilomi massage therapists and clients alike find that allowing time for a longer session offers an opportunity for the receiver to really ‘drop into’ the session, letting go of their mind’s wanderings about the shopping and their work troubles, and to receive more fully. Many people find that Lomi Lomi massages provide unparalleled relief from stress and tension.
Lomi Lomi Massage and Spirituality
Many Lomi Lomi therapists are skilled in providing other energetic healing elements as part of their offering. It’s common to receive sound healing, for example, as part of this type of massage, and this may include a mantra, vibration or singing by your therapist. The benefits of sound healing are becoming more widely understood in our Western scientific paradigm, but have been known and used in Hawaiian and other indigenous cultures for thousands of years. For this reason, they’re often passed through Lomi Lomi and Ka Huna lineages and treated as an integral part of the massage.
Your therapist may also provide reiki, sound bowls, chakra balancing or other components as part of your massage. What is offered depends on the toolkit of your chosen therapist, your desires and preferences and what your body reveals on the day.